The Red Room by H.G. Wells

The Red Room by H.G. Wells

Terror in the Library
Terror in the Library
The Red Room by H.G. Wells

This fun little story by H. G. Wells builds on fantastic language and haunted tropes to pull you into the moment.  If you’ve ever experienced an irrational fear of the dark than you will relate to this story.

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The Red Room by H.G. Wells

Nyarlathotep by H.P. Lovecraft

Terror in the Library
Terror in the Library
Nyarlathotep by H.P. Lovecraft

Take a listen to my reading of one of my favorite pieces of prose poetry by H. P. Lovecraft.  A lot of the conceptual pieces for Azathoth as well as many of the other popular mythos concepts owe their origins to this little piece.

Apparently, the concept for this recurring mythos entity came to Lovecraft in a dream [1].  I hope he comes to you in yours 😉

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[1] Joshi, S. T. (1996). A Subtler Magick: The Writings and Philosophy of H. P. LovecraftRockville, MarylandWildside Press. p. 68. ISBN 1-880448-61-0.


The Abominations of Yondo by Clark Ashton Smith

The Abominations of Yondo by Clark Ashton Smith

Terror in the Library
Terror in the Library
The Abominations of Yondo by Clark Ashton Smith

One of the first Clark Ashton Smith stories I ever read.  The Abominations of Yondo is more prose poetry than a well-developed story, but the sheer brilliance of the language and the visceral descriptions of the landscape capture me as few things can.  It really captures the essence of C. A. Smith’s cosmic horror.  I hope you enjoy!

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The Red Room by H.G. Wells

The Night Wire by H. F. Arnold

Terror in the Library
Terror in the Library
The Night Wire by H. F. Arnold

This fantastic horror short story was first published in Weird Tales Magazine in 1926 by H. F. Arnold.  It was popular in its day, and I think stands out as a real gem of the pulps.  I hope you enjoy.

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