Matthew Tansek


Picked Up for Publication

Picked Up for Publication

Well, I'm happy to report that my last two story submissions have been picked up for publication by the Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers. It's been a minute since I was included in one of their anthologies, and am very happy to have my work back in one of...

New Short: Hometown Horror

New Short: Hometown Horror

I've gone through and edited a new short story for you all to enjoy. This one came out of a writing prompt that asked for the perspective of a bystander to an event that involved an extraterrestrial.  Freed from the need to explain all that is witnessed I was able to...

Adventures come to the adventurous, and mysterious things fall in the way of those who, with wonder and imagination, are on the watch for them; but the majority of people go past the doors that are half ajar, thinking them closed, and fail to notice the faint stirrings of the great curtain that hangs ever in the form of appearances between them and the world of causes behind. For only to the few whose inner senses have been quickened, perchance by some strange suffering in the depths, or by a natural temperament bequeathed from a remote past, comes the knowledge, not too welcome, that this greater world lies ever at their elbow, and that any moment a chance combination of moods and forces may invite them to cross the shifting frontier.

Algernon Blackwood

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